Blue Morpho Butterflies
It was a challenge to capture the fast moving Blue Morpho Peleides butterfly's originally imported from Costa Rica at the Orchideenen Farm. When at rest it is perfectly camouflaged but when their 12 cm / 5 inch wingspan a magical bright blue color will be seen

Blue Morpho butterfly with closed wings, a dull brown color with many eyespots profiding camouflage againgst predators

Blue Morpho butterfly's dining on a tasty orange

A closeup from a drinking straw of a Blue Morpho butterfly

Blue Morpho's, like other butterflies also have two clubbed antennas, two fore wings and two hind wings, six legs and three body segments: head, thorax and abdomen

Blue Morpho butterfly with open wings warming up in the sunlight

Blue Morphy entire lifespan lst only 115 days spending their time eting and reproducing